Friday 29 June 2012


Hama Lalat Buah Pada Tanaman Mangga,


Hama lalat buah (Dacus Pedestris) pada tanaman mangga  :
Ø  Tanaman yang diserang :
Buah mangga
Ø  Ciri-ciri :
-          Terdapat bintik-bintik hitam pada buah mangga, yang memiliki bekas dalam pada buah mangga.
-          mangga menjadi busuk
-          Banyak ulat ( dihasilkan dari telur lalat yang menetas )
Ø  Gejala :
-          Gejala awal yaitu pada kulit buah yang terserang tampak titik noda hitam yang merupakan bekas tusukan ovipositor saat meletakan telur.  Apabila buah dibelah, akan telihat belatung atau larva lalat buah. Larva akan merusak daging buah sehingga menjadi busuk dan gugur sebelum tua/masak.  Buah yang gugur ini akan menjadi sumber serangan jika tidak dimusnahkan.

-          Buah yang terserang ditandai oleh lubang titik hitam pada bagian pangkalnya, tempat serangga dewasa memasukkan telur. Umumnya telur diletakkan pada buah yang agak tersembunyi dan tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung, pada buah yang agak lunak dengan permukaan agak kasar. Larva membuat saluran di dalam buah dengan memakan daging buah serta menghisap cairan buah dan dapat menyebabkan terjadi infeksi oleh OPT lain, buah menjadi busuk dan biasanya jatuh ke tanah sebelum larva berubah menjadi pupa.

Ø  Cara pengendalian :
-          Memetik buah yang terserang
-          Menyemprot tanaman dengan insektisida desis 2,5 EC
-          Memasang trap/jebakan berupa botol aqua besar yang didalamnya sudah diberi kapas yang mengandung petrogenol dan insektisida curacron 500 EC.
-          Menggunakan perangkap kertas kuning yang dilapisi lem
-          Membungkus buah saat masih kecil atau berumur sekitar satu bulan sejak bunga mekar, pembungkusan dapat dilakukan dengan kertas semen, plastik, atau daun pisang kering.



Engkau terlihat indah
Aku terpukau
Melihat indahmu

     Hewan-hewan yang bergembira
Merasakankeindahan hutan
                      Pohon-pohon yang hijau
         Ikut bergoyang meratap indahmu

Sungai-sungai berair jernih
Ikan-ikan berlompatan
Segarnya air di hutan

                        Aku merasa sedih
                          Jika meninggalkanmu
                     Aku terlanjur cinta dengan indahmu


Story of nabi adam


     Adam had two sons called Habil and Qabil.    Adam thought that Habil, the younger son, should take over after him.  But Qabil didn't like this idea and was very jealous. To settle the argument Adam thought of an idea. He told his sons to think of a present to give to Allah and to leave it on top of a certain hill.
    The one whose present Allah accepted, would win the argument. Allah chose Habil's present because Habil had taken a lot of time and trouble to choose his present.

     Qabil was very upset and angry. He was so angry that he killed his own brother. Afterwards, when he realised what he had done, he cried and cried but it was too late to be sorry.

Contoh Narrative Text Untuk Story Telling

The Rabbit and The Bear
      Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shoter. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy and greedy .
       One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He agreed and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.

     The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat.The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.

The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very friendly to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him. He kicked toward the rabbit's house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the bear father.

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